Tender vs mature radish: Which one to choose?
Image: Canva
Did you know that there is a vast nutritional difference between tender and mature radishes?
Image: Canva
Dr Rekha Radhamony, an Ayurveda doctor, said that tender radishes reduce all three doshas–vata, pitta and kapha.
Image: Canva
“They are easily digestible and cure cough, asthma and rhinitis as well.”
Image: Canva
But, on the other hand, Dr Radhamony noted that mature radishes are hard to digest.
Image: Canva
“They increase all three doshas and cause clogging of channels. More the maturity, the more the difficulty to digest.”
Image: Canva
Therefore, she recommends growing your own radishes at home–in your kitchen or terrace, so you can catch hold of the tender ones.
Image: Canva
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